
It's a pleasure to have you here

I'm Rita, originally from Ireland, I've been living in France since 2016, just along the French/Swiss/German border in southern Alsace.

I discovered yoga reluctantly while studying in Galway in 2014 - a friend convinced me to accompany her to a class, and how grateful I am to this friend for having done so. I don't remember how I felt after that first class, probably very sore and pulled in all directions, but I do remember feeling at the time that I had found something that clicked.

Over the course of the next 2 years in Galway I practiced with fantastic teachers who opened my eyes to the world of yoga - to these teachers I am forever grateful, to their patience, their kindness and their wisdom.

My practice followed me to mainland Europe, where, while working as a teacher in Switzerland, living in France, I explored the different avenues offered by yoga. I experienced the practice through different styles, languages, and cultures, finding what resonated the most with me at the time.

In 2021, I obtained my 200-hour RYT certification. Since then, I have been working as an independent yoga teacher. I am currently exploring the offerings I can provide to others in the field of yoga, trying to refine the line between what students are looking for and what I can offer them.

My personal practice follows the traditional Ashtanga style, while my classes are in the Vinyasa style. I draw inspiration from nature - be it the seasons, the weather, or the lunar cycle. I strive to infuse into my practices the sense of gentle force by which nature governs - the subtle strength that is empowered through our capacity to be soft and to let go.

Over the nine years of practice, I have learned a few things and observed different realities. At the moment, I am focusing on trusting the process. This requires me to let go of preconceived ideals, set aside expectations, and remain curious. The biggest challenge in all of this is understanding that it's not about reaction but response.